

Are children allowed at the activities?
Yes - children are allowed at all MOMS Club functions!

Can I work and still join the MOMS Club?
Sure! Many moms work part-time or have shift work so they are home during the week with their children. Our group activites are on weekdays, typically between the hours of 9:00am to 5:00pm.

How old do my children need to be to join?
There is no age limit! Moms pregnant for the first time can join, as well as moms whose children are now in school all day. We have a mommy playgroup just for you - you socialize with other moms whose children are in school.

How much is it to join?
Our dues are $25.00 per year. This membership fee covers our operating costs, chapter dues, room rentals and supplies. You are invited to attend two meetings before you choose to join the club. Once you decide to join, you will be able to attend all meetings, activities and participate in club votes.

How do I join?
Contact us at momsclubridgefieldredding@yahoo.com and we'll get in touch with you!

What if I don't live in Ridgefield or Redding, can I still join?
Unfortunately, no. Please contact the International MOMS Club at MOMSClub@aol.com for more information about clubs in your area or starting your own chapter.

How can I be more involved in the group?
There are lots of ways to be involved in the MOMS Club! We have several committees you can join or if you have a special interest you can start a new committee.

Do I have to attend every activity?
Not at all! Although we would love for every member to attend everything, we know as mothers sometimes that is not realistic. After joining the MOMS Club you can choose to do all the events in one week; or maybe you can only make 2 events in a month. It's totally up to you.

How do I find out information about joining a playgroup?
Once you become a member if a slot is available in an existing playgroup with the appropriate age level you can become a part of that particular playgroup. If there is not existing one, we can form another one. Someone is always looking to join a playgroup!

What is the Buddy-Up Club?
Our Buddy up club helps new members get introduced to the MOMS Club. After you join, an active member is assigned to be your buddy. This buddy will help you feel welcome, comfortable, and introduce you to other members so you'll soon feel part of the MOMS Club.

I own a home-based business, this sounds like a perfect place to sell my product; can I do that?
Since the MOMS Club Roster is protected by the MOMS Club, you may not send or solicit members in any way. This protects the privacy of all members. The MOMS Club newsletter offers 1/2 price advertising for a nominal fee, it is a great way to let your fellow members know you have a home business.

©MOMS Club of Ridgfield South & Redding, 2009. All rights reserved.